liberal dyke hags suck

liberal dyke hags are lieing, cheating scumbags and do not deserve to lick clits at all!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Watching great game show from Al Jazeera network!

I have to post about a great gameshow I have been seeing for the last few months called Jeopardy! I have noticed that the men always beat the women. Usually there are two men and one woman and the woman always comes in last. That tells me that men are definitly smarter than women. The host mentioned once that the contestants had to take a test to get on the show. I bet a hundred camels that the women do not score enough in these pre-tests to really be on the show but for "political correctness" they let one woman with a higher score than the other women but lower than the men be on the show each time. But in the end the women always get beat with their lower intellect. Just think how this affects the world. Women have to be given jobs that they do not qualify for too. Well at least on this show we can see that they are stupid.


At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, it's been done.

At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is all a cruel joke.
The IP address or martha says it's from Atlanta Georgia:

Your IP Address: 4.153.243.*
Is this wrong? Make a correction
Are you a host? Netblock upload

The host name for the ip address is:

I put a star in the last octate because I don't want some woman asking a 12 year old hacker/script-kiddie who still is a pro-feminist boy to DoS our friend.

Like the UFO poster: I want to believe. I want men in afghanistan to be against feminism and speak out about it. I want a place that men can go to and have young wives that obey to exist. The small evidence we have here doesn't add up though. This is most saddening.

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is all a cruel joke.
The IP address or martha says it's from Atlanta Georgia:

Your IP Address: 4.153.243.*
Is this wrong? Make a correction
Are you a host? Netblock upload

The host name for the ip address is:

I put a star in the last octate because I don't want some woman asking a 12 year old hacker/script-kiddie who still is a pro-feminist boy to DoS our friend.

Like the UFO poster: I want to believe. I want men in afghanistan to be against feminism and speak out about it. I want a place that men can go to and have young wives that obey to exist. The small evidence we have here doesn't add up though. This is most saddening.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Martha said...


At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

martha: if you existed as you say you exist then there would be some good in the world.

I think just that small amount of good is too much to ask of the world. How can a place exist where ther is no feminism, no women's rights? Do men exist in the world that do not trade for "prosperity" by enacting women's rights (all men who are asked in that area of the world seem to want to send their daughters to college to make money... the men welcome women's rights so they can have more $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ! (and the thing is... they'll never have anything near as much money as we have... and with all our money we are glad to kill ourselves and we are not happy... money is no solace for the prison this place is))

We want what you say to be true but... how can it be?

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

martha, why do you have a girl's name?

And if you guys truly have it so bad in terms of marriage laws, why get married? Hell, why date or have sex, if society is so "anti-man"? If you hate women so much, leave the planet. Seriously, go away, and we promise not to write.

At 1:52 AM, Blogger Sister In Islam said...

If you were a Muslim you would know that you cannot have five wives. Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Our Blessed Prophet) put a limit on the number of wives men may have to four. He also set the rule that you may only have these wives if you can all treat them well and equally.

You have said you are planning to marry another girl. If you do this you will be committing adultery against your four true wives and you must then be stoned to death for adultery. Islam is greater then christianity and judiasm because it sees that adultery can be committed against the wife. In christianity and judiasm adultery can only be committed against the husband, this is a false belief.

You sound like a christian or a jew, not a good Muslim man. You may be an apostate trying to hurt Islam. The sentance for apostates is stoning to death.

Islam is a great religion but it has been hijacked by US and Israeli agents who hate their own nations because their wise fathers gave women the same amount of power that men have because they knew that men have to be reigned in or else men will harm women. Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) knew this too. Muhammed respected women and raised us to our proper place. You hate and will go to hell for awhile if you do not respect women as Our Prophet did.

I also saw that you agreed with a christian and his scripture about rape. In christianity and judiasm the penalty for rape of virgin girl is to punish the girl by making her marry the rapist man! In Islam we stone the man to death for rape.

When the true Islamic state is created you will be stoned for your crimes against women by the punishments chosen by Allah and transmitted through Our Prophet.

Please see the truth and know that you must respect women in Islam. Islam is an equal religion. It is not a men's religion like christianity and judiansm. Men's religions are man made evils of this world.

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Martha said...

Sister in Islam I am so glad you live in USA and not here in afghanistan. We would have to silence you for your anti-islamic views. And I will nto have 5 wives. One of my wives has sickness and will not be here long. Then I am free to marry my little jewel. Please go away. You do not deserve to debate me!

At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha: don't let that bitch use religion against you. If you want to take a 5th wife go ahead (you mentioned that 5 females is all you can handle :P). The only thing any man of any worth will do is congratulate you.

Females must not be obeyed nor can their advice be taken. Women, somehow, have subverted my religion (Christianity) and use it against men constantly. Example: there is no prohibition against men having many wives in the Bible, there IS an explicit prohibition against women having multiple (living) husbands.
Somehow a "good Christian man" only has one wife now though. Women took over the religion... and we're never going to get it back.

(An aside: Someday I hope we could create a federation of Men's states. Like a Men's empire who's goal is to have countries pass pro-men, anti-women's rights laws. A dream)

Death To women's Rights

At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he pointed out allready that it's fake, he's the one who posted the IP address stuff.

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone has their opinions on stuff. I like this Borat! page though :). It's fun watching them post.

Kazakstan - Afghanistan It rhymes!
Everything martha says are lies. Afghani men are not like that.

At 1:17 AM, Blogger Martha said...

I am not a liar. You can say what you will about me but it is not true!!!

At 2:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha can you show us another afghan man who is like you, this would help dispell the doubters. They are all saying afghan men want womens rights.

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JackGoff and Martha are the same person. This dude is an american, not an afghani. A number of people have allready investigated. Sure we would like him to be an afghani and we would like afghanistan to be a utopia for men, but it's not. No need to post here anymore.

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BowbdD Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bMKNfu Wonderful blog.

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

At 11:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

At 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello all!

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to author.

At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BA8GOC Nice Article.

At 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!


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