liberal dyke hags suck

liberal dyke hags are lieing, cheating scumbags and do not deserve to lick clits at all!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

OJ Rocks

As you may have seen OJ Simpson is in the news. All the dyke hags have their pantys in a wad about his new book and TV show coming out,"If I Had Done It Here's How I Would Have Done It". Man this guy cut the throat of his two-timing dick-sucking bitch and GOT AWAY WITH IT!!! And now he is getting paid to tell the story!! Man we need more real men like OJ and the fem-nazis would stay in their place and watch what they do to men. WAY TO GO OJ-YOU ROCK!!!


At 11:41 AM, Blogger TheWayfarer said...

Dude, R u freaking for real?

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Martha said...

I am completely real. I am just not afraid to say the truth!!

At 6:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude. You're weird.

At 5:46 PM, Blogger CanadianGoingExpat said...

Oh good god...

If you're admiring things like this, I pray I never meet you in person.

At 3:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As do us all. Martha, damn. The shriveled intellect it takes to write your tripe is truly monumental in its infinitesimal smallness. One can only draw the conclusion that, either you've got a micropenis and have been laughed at by all the girls, hence your hatred of women, or you are at most seven years old, and are mad about getting thrown from 2nd grade by your teacher who didn't want to deal with your sociopathy.

At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Put up with me', how apt those words must be. And you say you only date prostitutes? How am I not surprised at that... But be honest with us, when you say women you actually mean rent-boys right? Or are you still in with the livestock?

At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well does that mean all the bare chested women out there are less than women because of their small breast size.

Well, women with small chests isn't near the force for stupidity that Martha Micropenis represents. Small chests, by the way, are at least good for something. Tiny dongs, however, merely serve to make this world a even worse place. Again, consult Martha.

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"martha" isn't 7 years old, anonymous @ 2:40. He's a douche-bag. Well crafted over a period of a month, then place on the shelf as "Summer's Eve". Only, when a customer unwittingly bought it and tried to use it, she realized that, for some magical reason, the douche was actually...alive!

She, however, had no room in her heart for a douche0bag, and carelessly threw it out. Abandoned and alone, martha has found an internet portal from which he can vent his frustration at the world. However, the only language skills he has been able to muster were learned from some crazy homeless guys, so that is why it seems he is only 7 years-old.

Truly, we must pity him. A douche, alone in the wilderness, with the vocabulary of a schizophrenic wino.

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Martha said...

Last commentor that is pretty bright. Too bad you cannot find a job that pays you to do that and you have to CLEAN OUT STALLS AT THE LOCAL ADULT THEATER for a pathetic living. Oh you missed a spot over there. NO!!! Don't lick your fingers!!! omg!!

At 2:46 AM, Blogger MikeeUSA said...

I agree. OJ had every right to murder his wife: she divorced him. Any woman who divorces her husband (something that should not be possible) deserves what nicole got. OJ fulfilled his marraige vows ("Till death do us part", which is in almost all American marraige vows).

Nicole was a userper of her Husband's God given power and an adulteress aswell. OJ made the decision to act. If we had more men like him there would be no women's rights in America and our country would be the Land of the Free for men again.

Will we ever get out country back from the women? We made the mistake of giving them the vote and educating them... do we need a coup or revolution to reverse this?

At 5:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Uh, folks...?

This is clearly satire. There's no way that Blogger would tolerate a blog like this if it were genuine.

I think that, as a satire of your stereotypical wingnut, this site is hysterically funny!

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob Anderson: no freedom of speech for genuine afghani wingnuts who's IPs are registered as Dialup lines in Atlanta Georgia? Guess this isn't America.

Yea, this is satire. If it wasn't this guy could prove who he was by posting some new photos of his country that aren't allready on the internet.

I do admit that I like his fantasy world though.

At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 3:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mikeeusa said:
Will we ever get out country back from the women?

I say, fuck no! If men are so much stronger and smarter than women, they should be able to take this country back in a day. But that hasn't happened yet and I won't hold my breath for it to.

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good day to everyone

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